Devlog #3 Optimization of Rendering

In the previous post, I changed my project's view as isometric instead of top-down. Although, the game while was running, gave bad performance results according to the task manager. Therefore, I decided to type a chunking algorithm to obtain efficient results of performance from the game prototype. Additionally, I implemented isometric movement to the character that is controlled by the keyboard. But I couldn't make it about apply the chunking algorithm to the game as a failure, anyways, until this post. If I should sum up how to do it, I used the colliding system and it works, ta-da! Let's look at how the chunking algorithm is work in the video below:
Of course, we will not see the generating map during the game. I just resized the window of the prototype to see chunks of how are load. 

Let's put a little nature on the map, the character's velocity is increased to see the map quickly:
Okay, that's part of the show. The important thing is the performance of the game:
performance of the open world
After that ram usage in the past, this progress is very efficient. The ram was using 896 MB, but now it's using just 41 MB. Finally, my next goal in the long term to reduce CPU usage as much as possible. There are too many loops in my game, how dare you, loops!? 

The short goals of the demo are in first priority currently. Let's add some trees to the game. That's part of the layered tilemap that isn't supported feature by the prototype for now. The other thing that I should add is the minimap. This minimap will not show the entire map at the first stage. I guess it will look dark at first however when the character went around on the map, these places that visited will be seen in the minimap. 

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